Friday, December 26, 2014

The One About the Dance Gang

So, I've got these friends. We met about 5 years ago at Suzanne Hamby's social ballroom dance classes on Monday nights in Waltham. At that time our ages spanned 3 decades, but we found common ground in our love of dance, a fermented beverage or two, and puerile humor. In our ranks we have a scientist, a few artists, a yoga instructor, a physicist, an engineer, and a speech-language pathologist. Since then, we've danced many hours together in classes and at parties. We even moved on to performing short routines for tolerant and supportive audiences.

I'm so thankful for their presence in my life. Our goofy dream is to end up all living in the same retirement compound someday. And it may just happen. But in the meantime, we are holding tight to each stupid joke we share, each poorly executed spin turn, and each beer we quaff together; because we're just old enough to have a deepening understanding of how brief our time is on The Big Dance Floor.


  1. Don't forget our tolerant and supportive dance teacher/choreographer, who by his own admission could barely recognize his routine by the time we were done with it. Jackie, I'm very much looking forward to this blog!
    -Snowflake 2b

  2. Thanks, David. I'll be dedicating a post (or several) to Leon soon!

  3. This is fun, fierce, fabulous and fermented, just like the author. I might be a wee bit prejudiced as I am one of the "gang"... but I would say that this blog will be a lot of fun and a great place to find out lots of good stuff about the local dance scene!


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If I could spend my days mostly dancing, I would. Wouldn't it be great to find a source to help you decide where to plunk down your hard-earned $ for lessons or classes? Yeah, that's what I thought. Here goes...