Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Loose vs. Tight: The Skinny on Zumba Wear Bottoms

I'm not so much for the official Zumba gear. It's pricey and just a little too loosey-goosey for my taste. (I'm not feelin' it with their logo thing, either.) When I'm sweating and moving, I don't want cargo pockets and decorative knee socks, thank you very much. I don't want anything extraneous tied around me flopping about. Just the bare minimum. But I also like to look cute-ish and colorful, and when practical, I like the bottoms have a little movement to it.

I discovered a while back that tennis skorts for Zumba work beautifully! There are shorts underneath so squats don't get, uh, indelicate. And when you choose something sassy like this little number below, where every little section is separate (like a carwash), it provides swishy motion and fun to your dance moves. It might make you shake your tushy just a little more, to see those car wash fringes fly around, and whoa, there's goes a few more calories. I have a version of the skirt below in black and orange and it's my absolute favorite. Better yet,  I found mine for about $16.99 at TJ Maxx. Look for skorts with a fuller, lightweight skirt, if you want it to flair out when you turn or twist.

Fila activewear skirt
Fila activewear skirt 

When winter rolls around and the legs get a bit furry and pasty, I prefer capri-length lycra tights. I go with a size smaller than real-life clothes because I don't want anything sliding or bunching up. The added benefit is that jiggles get minimized. And if you go with a jazzy pattern, you can just ignore any lumpy business in the vicinity (nothing to see here, move along).  The ones below are from the TJ Maxx website for $14.99. And no, I can't say I've had issues with the cheaper gear disintegrating. I'm just careful to feel the seams on the inside to make sure they are very smooth. I once bought a pair that was colorful and fun, but the seams must have been sewn with razor wire. Every kick and stutter step was an adventure in pain.

Snug and colorful, subdued and baggy, official Zumba gear or a knockoff, the real point is to get the heck out there and shake it, right? 

See you at the studio in 2015!


  1. Thanks for the tip on how to shake that booty in style! No one knows better than you!

  2. Thanks, Tawn. Can you imagine both of taking a zumba class together? There could be a seismic event with all that shaking...

  3. I feel it's my civic duty to raise an eyebrow at the notion of "minimized jiggle." I get the concept, but think it can be overdone, er, I mean, underdone.

  4. David, your civic duty has been done. I do appreciate the male perspective on this critically important issue. Thanks!

  5. Great ideas,Jackie. Blog followers and WHATEVER Jackie says! She always looks cute and appropriate for every activity. (At least for all the many activities that I have seen her engage in!)

  6. Thanks, Laureen. And you know I am a huge fan in particular of your fishnet/ velour shorts ensemble for Leon's classes. I'll have posts dedicated to Latin dance class wear. Remind me to take a photo of you in that outfit so I can feature it.


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If I could spend my days mostly dancing, I would. Wouldn't it be great to find a source to help you decide where to plunk down your hard-earned $ for lessons or classes? Yeah, that's what I thought. Here goes...